Fashion Show


Watching this beautiful video made by Elia Acunto and Alessia Caliendo for Vein Magazine I can only smile because it reminds me the good times shared with them during the last #MilanFashionWeek, but at the same time I think:

“Phones that don’t call and glasses that don’t shelter from the sun.” These are the true weapons of seduction of the fashion week.

Fool who believes that they are needed to seduce a man.
The real focus is the camera and its owner, the one who is convinced to capture your image, but actually is unaware (maybe ?) that you have caught his attention and you (your outfit) have forced him to take a picture of you.
An endless game of power that takes place every six months as a religious rite in the name of that god known as Fashion.

Alessandro Masetti – The Fashion Commentator

Italian architect into fashion. Art curator in love with books, flea markets and interior design.

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