
The Fashion Commentator turns 5!

Another year has gone since when I started “my own business” by creating this blog in 2010.

As with any anniversary, it’s time to look back and to set new goals, but given that I do not want to be verbose, I’ll just make a short list of the more significant achievements of this year thanks to The Fashion Commentator blog.

The Fashion Commentator turns 5 - Paris Fashion Week

Let’s start with the most enjoyable experience: the many invitations to the Paris Fashion Week SS 2015; perhaps this can sound silly to the laymen, but a seat next to the major journalists of the world is not a joke, or at least, not in Paris, where the Milanese circus of fashion wannabes is not even considered.

Among the most interesting cultural achievements I like to mention my participation as official blogger of the Costume Colloquium 2014, the International Symposium organized by Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, that welcomed in Florence the intelligentsia of the fashion culture from all over the world to debate about the importance of color.

Obviously I’d like to add also other experiences like: my attendance as official guest at events and fashion shows; the consultancy for various emerging brands; the gratitude of many important designers for my words about their collections; and the wonderful interview that UploadYourTalent dedicated to me.

Furthermore, there are two other events in particular that made me very proud: my “appearance” on the fashion column of Newsweek Europe in which British journalist Alice Hart-Davis quoted me as fashion expert; and finally, the teaching experience alongside Professor Mark Bernheim during the Fashion Professional Writing Course at the International Studies Institute of Florence, where I thaught to American students how to see, understand and describe in their articles what is behind a fashion collection. I take this opportunity to thank once again all the designers who came as special guests of my classes and have granted interviews with the students during our visit to Pitti Uomo 88.

ISI Fashion Writing Course

Perhaps the sentence I am about to say will make me look as a Pride sinner, but I feel that I have to recommend it to all the young people who are still studying: Cultivate your passions giving life to personal projects even if they are different from your curriculum!
From my own experience I can say that all the jobs or temporary jobs that I got so far, depended on the skills I improved thanks to my blogging activity, while many colleagues of mine have empty cvs and no job because they have just studied!
This doesn’t mean that I am better than everyone, it’s just a suggestion, because if you are able to pursue personal projects that go over the curriculum, it will be easier to find new paths for your future.

Thank you for these beautiful 5 years!

Thanks The Fashion Commentator!

Alessandro Masetti – The Fashion Commentator

Italian architect into fashion. Art curator in love with books, flea markets and interior design.

2 Comments on “The Fashion Commentator turns 5!

  1. Concordo in pieno, se una persona ha una passione deve seguirla, anche parallelamente ad un percorso di studi differente che magari ha scelto per vari motivi.
    Alessandro, ormai forse anche i tuoi lettori sanno l’affetto che ho nei tuoi confronti, ma posso dire oggettivamente che ti sei ampiamente meritato tutto ciò che hai avuto in questo anno e sono felice di aver condiviso alcune di queste esperienze con te! Sono sicura che il tuo blog brillerà sempre di più, perché è una perla rara nel mare del web!




  2. Tanti auguri ad un blog SERIO, senza fronzoli, che affronta in modo professionale il luccicante “mondo della moda”. Molti “fashion blogger” dovrebbero prenderti come esempio !
    Auguri auguri auguri,
    continua così e poniti sempre mille nuovi obiettivi!
    Sognare è sempre la migliore soluzione…contro l’età! 😛

    Un beso,
    dalla tua travel blogger PREFERITA!

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